Boston Chef Accidentally Stabs Friend, Loses Job


We’re not sure whether we should feel sympathy for Boston chef Doug Rodrigues for being fired, weeks after he got his dream job as executive chef at the nationally-renowned Clio, or whether we should shake our head in dismay at the reason he was fired: days ago, he was arrested after he accidentally stabbed a man in the thigh.

Okay, maybe we should feel sympathy, because according to this report from Boston’s Patch, Rodrigues immediately identified himself as the stabber and turned himself in. What’s more, according to witnesses, it really did seem to be accidental:

A witness told officers that she was talking to the suspect about how she should carry a knife for self-defense. The witness said that she did not know how to open a folding knife. The suspect then showed her how to open the knife and how to make a stabbing motion. While demonstrating the stabbing motion, the suspect stabbed the victim in the thigh, just above the knee.

Okay, maybe we shouldn’t feel sympathy after reading that last sentence. And the sentence where the “pale and clammy” victim lost so much blood that he “started to slip into unconsciousness.”

But then we want to feel sympathy, after learning that he’d spent seven years as chef de cuisine at Clio, and entered the culinary world after his dreams of being a pro skateboarder were (literally) shattered, a fact we learned in a profile of the chef in the Boston Phoenix.

But then we saw the above photo from said article, and thought, “Oh, okay. He stabbed a guy.”

[Patch via Eater Boston]

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