Last Call: Roy Choi’s Book Cover Art For LA Son Revealed


Eater: Check out Roy Choi’s cover art for his upcoming book LA Son (published by Anthony Bourdain’s line for Ecco). He’s looks so cheerful and not-scary!

Grub Street: David Chang’s deepest, darkest desires include secretly wishing he was more like Thomas Pynchon, so that he could hide behind a pseudonym from every stalker trying to get some realness off his or her chest about pork buns. Sounds like David Chang might need a vacation. Or a nap. Andrew Zimmern and Paul Qui snuggled up together (okay, fine, probably the snuggling part is only in our imaginations) to spill the tea on the concept for Paul’s new restaurant Qui. Best. Gossip sesh. Ever.

Huffington Post: Ryan Gosling sent HuffPo a letter on PETA’s behalf about the treatment of cows in food processing. He specifically railed against the “barbaric practice” of dehorning calves. We’re really just including this because we don’t get to talk about Ryan Gosling enough. Ryan Gosling.

NPR: Hundreds of fast food workers staged a one-day strike in New York City today, to demand fair wages and better treatment. In other news, thousands of health-conscious New Yorkers had to skip lunch since they couldn’t get a Wendy’s Garden Sensations Salad.

Serious Eats: Writer Ed Levine chatted with Rich Torrisi and Mario Carbone about the impending Carbone opening. Rich explained their Italian American aim thusly: “If you think about it, it’s hard to find fine dining that’s truly Italian American, you know? And it’s perplexing that in this city of all cities, with such a huge Italian American influence, there’s not one bastion of that cuisine.” Well, we are getting a Buca di Bepo.

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