Last Call: This Is A Deer With A Bag Of Chips Stuck On Its Head


Gawker: Okay yes fine we know that this hasn’t a thing to do with celebrity chefs or restaurants or even food. We’d like to argue that it does: it is our third favorite food, being worn as a hat by our twelfth favorite food. (Venison potato chips! Take that, Lay’s Do Us A Flavor.)

Bon Appetit: Is there an American whistleblower holed up in a Hong Kong hotel, worried that he’s going to be “disappeared” for uncovering a program that gives the government unfettered access to everyone’s private online information? Are you a food writer currently staying in some Hong Kong hotel, too? Why not write a supercilious and tenuous story linking Edward Snowden’s terrifying experience on the run from US authorities, to your late night dumpling crawl? That’s a great idea.

Conde Nast Traveler: In which we learn everything that jetsetting chef Daniel Boulud puts in his suitcase, including stretch Prada jeans. Those are a thing? How much are they? Wait, seriously?!

The New York Times: Restaurant chains are mighty worried about millennial dining habits. The recession combined with their newfound “ethical/environmentally sound eating habits” resulted in Da Yoof avoiding chain restaurants — a trend that McDonalds et al. will try to counteract with the power of quirky ads and fancy pomegranate smoothies.

Grub Street: Alice Waters announced that she’ll be consulting on a menu for artist Doug Aiken’s massive transcontinental project, “Station to Station,” installed on an Amtrak train. This might be the most environmentally unhealthy way to ever eat an Alice Waters meal, but we’ll approve — it’s probably way better than normal Amtrak food.

The Huffington Post: Ann Romney is writing a cookbook, but it’s probably going to be written on four golden tablets that only she can view due to a mandate from God via the angel Moroni. (Dum dum dum dum dum!)

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