Todd English’s Publicist to Friends: Please Don’t Tell NYT That Todd English Is A Party Animal


Page Six got their little troll hands on a memo sent by Todd English’s publicist, Lindsey Valdez, in which she implored the chef’s friends and associates to not participate in an upcoming New York Times article about “bad boy chefs.” Now, we’re surprised that “bad boy chefs” are still A Thing That Captures the Public’s Imagination, especially the type of Bad Boy Chef Todd English seems to represent: he parties with topless girls in hot tubs, in those banker-y nightclubs that bankers like to bank around in. (Banker.)

But according to Page Six, Valdez pulled a Gwyneth Paltrow and sent the following to everyone she knew, a mailing that would certainly not be forwarded to the gossipmongers at Page Six:

“It is clear he [the writer] is trying to create a story by attempting to link unrelated items and repurposing juvenile gossip,” Valdez wrote.

Valdez claimed English has been “dragged through the dirt by several media outlets” and that “this incessant and unfounded character ­assassination needs to come to an end.

“He did not break any laws. He did not cause harm to anyone. He did not put anyone in danger. He did not verbally offend anyone. The only thing he did was act ‘inappropriately.’ He is a ­single man who had one too many drinks. This is NOT a story.”

When Page Six asked for comment, Valdez wrote: “You guys are the worst.”

[Page Six]

Breakfast Links: The New York Post Breaks Gross Story on Todd English Threesome
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Todd English Slammed With Yet Another Lawsuit, This Time For $723,000

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